WebDAV Apache File Server On Raspberry Pi

Here’s something I found in my archives. If it sounds and looks like a school project report, that’s because it is! I was taking a networking class circa Spring 2013 that covered Linux, telnet, ssh, and other networking tools. In this report, I covered down on SSH, SCP, and WebDav. Introduction I wanted to build a remotely accessible file storage and media center using the Raspberry Pi. Files would be stored on a home network (external hard drive) and be made accessible over the web with login credentials....

March 5, 2016

Hosting Your Django App on Heroku

Heroku is a fantastic service that lets you get your app on the web quickly, for free (with the base model). If you followed my previous post Django, A Framework for Python Web Apps, then you already have most of the tools you need to publish your work on the web for demoing and testing purposes. The final step is hosting your project on Heroku. Publishing an update to Heroku is as easy as a git remote push (in fact, that’s all there is to it!...

February 21, 2016